Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Work and Kids

Ghana is hot, but this morning when we got up there was a fog and humid, kind of rainy day happening in Adidome. As we drove the sun came out but there had obviously been rain in the village. How did we know? Bigger puddles in the potholes and white flowers that sprang up to welcome the morning. I hope we got a picture. They were gone by the time we drove out in the hot sun, but what a greeting.

It was a work day, a day of progress and a day of organized chaos with the 300+ kids who come to school. They walk from miles around and wear a purple uniform so they are easy to identify. I knew right away that the 3 big boys in Pre K were new because they had no uniform. They arrived this week when school returned after break. Somehow they were able to leave their work with the cattle and come to school. Big smiles and helpful hands. They are glad to be with the 6 year olds learning how to hold a pencil and sing songs about God's love.
To me these boys looked about 14 years old. I will try to find out their ages tomorrow.

So we sang songs, played kick ball, laughed and talked. How good is the Lord to remind us of His care for each and every child. How does He count the hairs on our heads and our tears. Emily said the class she attended had a girl with no book to do her work in. As the class continued, she cried to be left out. We do not know the whole story, but I am convinced that God knows and cares.

Praying for a soft heart and a willing, grateful spirit.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing from you guys! Keep describing everything and taking pictures!
