Friday, December 18, 2009


I had a chance to get to Michigan and meet with the I.N. office team and also Laurie who will be with us in Ghana. There is so much news! Lets see if I can get out some of it for you to ponder and pray.

First we are busily collecting supplies for Bible School at Kanolwe School. The items we need to still round up include cotton balls and white construction or heavy copy paper. Round tip scissors, popsicle sticks and duct tape would also be more than welcome. Any body found these items and have room in their suitcase??
Second, can someone research and print some pictures of single snowflakes? We want to use these to show the different kinds that fall and make up the giant pile we have outside to shovel. :)
Third there is news about the construction. I got drawings of the church building we are going to work on and heard that 30% is underway with local help. What a great combined effort this is going to be. The recommendation is that for ALL of us to bring a pair of leather gloves. We will be digging, pouring cement and shaping bricks. There are plenty of tools available and they will buy more in country if needed. I will try to scan and upload the drawings of the proposed building, so watch the blog for more information.


  1. popsicle sticks covered! yea and thanks to Sue Pokorny for the help. Any word on the paper bags?

  2. Thank you so much to some very generous friends who purchased and donated new kids' scissors, pencil sharpeners, brown/black yarn, Q-tips, various colors of cardstock,colored pencils, and Bible story books!

    I have plans to meet with the others who have donations after the holidays!! Time to organize and get an inventory list going!

  3. All set with the brown and black yarn!!

  4. we have added a filler craft of snowflake bookmarks. Will be cool for the kids.
